McKenna TaeKwon-Do & Jiu-Jitsu

Established 1983

875 Main Street, Unit 3, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia  B2W 3V2

Phone:  462-KICK (5425)


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TaeKwon-Do aims to achieve:

Courtesy (Ye Ui)
Integrity (Yom Chi)
Perseverance (In Nae)
Self Control (Guk Gi)
Indomitable Spirit (Bakjul Boolgool)

TaeKwon-Do is the modernized version of an old Oriental art of self defense and unarmed combat.  TaeKwon-Do is based on traditional values, philosophy and training.

Approximately 1300 years ago, a form of foot fighting called Tae Kyon began in Korea.  Through the centuries, hand techniques were added and the combination became known as TaeKwon-Do.  Because the legs can develop more power, and have a greater reach than the hands, TaeKwon-Do is a very effective and spectacular form of Oriental self defense.

The Korean word Tae means kicking, jumping, stepping or flying of the feet.  Kwon means striking or blocking with the fist.  Do means art, technique or way.

Choi Hong Hi, 9th Degree Black Belt, is the father of TaeKwon-Do.  In addition to being the founder of TaeKwon-Do, and  president of the International TaeKwon-Do Federation, he accomplished outstanding achievements, not only in this field, but was also  favorably acclaimed as a distinguished diplomat and military leader.  After a life dedicated to the development of TaeKwon-Do, General Choi died of cancer on June 15, 2002, in the country of his birth.

You will find a picture of General Choi, shown with Mr. David McKenna, on our HOME page.

© 2018 David McKenna and McKenna TaeKwon-Do & Jiu-Jitsu Centres